
Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data. He has lectured and advised governments in countries around the world on health and education initiatives. His book Your DNA Diet examines the role of genetic information in nutrition and investigates safety issues in medical settings. He is a pioneer of research on consciousness as a field phenomenon and has presented papers on benefits of meditation to improve health outcomes and quality of life. He lives in New Zealand.

One Can’t Escape the Truth

A message for Dr Shane Reti, Minister of Health, PM Chris Luxon and Judith Collins, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation. This article is also...

A Door is Starting to Open to Discuss Our Devastating Public Health Data

We receive snippets of information from time to time and it now appears there are cracks developing in the solid wall of New Zealand...

Massive Korean Study Confirms Elevated Risk of Heart Disease Among Young People

A study of 3.4 million health records in the Korean national health database entitled “The impact of COVID-19 status and vaccine type following the...

Open Letter to Journalists—A Time for Review

Dear Media Representatives It has been 5 long years since the earliest COVID-19 cases were noticed in November 2019. Last Saturday, I gave a talk in...

Breaking: 188% Rise in Mortality Risk Among New Zealand Teens Following Covid-19 Vaccination

How has Health New Zealand missed a massive death signal among young age groups in New Zealand following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination? New OIA data shows...

Guy Hatchard

Dr Guy Hatchard is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. His published work uses the statistical methods of the physical sciences to analyse social data. He has lectured and advised governments in countries around the world on health and education initiatives. His book Your DNA Diet examines the role of genetic information in nutrition and investigates safety issues in medical settings. He is a pioneer of research on consciousness as a field phenomenon and has presented papers on benefits of meditation to improve health outcomes and quality of life. He lives in New Zealand.