HomeAdverse Effects

Adverse Effects

New Studies Further Confirm Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines. Can These Be Reversed, if So How?

In this article, we review newly published research studies on the adverse effects of mRNA vaccines and draw out the implications for a meditation...

The Good Doctor and Cancer Deaths

We have reported record levels of excess deaths in New Zealand and around the world in our articles during the last two years (see...

The Long Read: Mental Health Issues are Multiplying. Why?

Alarming mental health statistics are being put in the too hard basket and quietly ignored, but the situation is getting worse. This article is also...

If You Are Feeling Under the Weather, You Need to Read This

This week I bumped into a number of friends who are experiencing ongoing health issues. These issues include repeated bouts of COVID-19 infection and...

Our Worst Nightmare Beckons

An article buried in the rush of Covid science publishing we have been experiencing this year recounts a finding that should have featured in...

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