

Is Our Knowledge of Genetics Too Primitive to Edit Human DNA With Safety?

An investigation undertaken by Vanity Fair has revisited the origins of the pandemic and uncovered new findings. In mid-2021 it came to light that...

Do the mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines Degrade Higher Human Functions?

I find myself perplexed that commercial pharmaceutical enterprises, despite huge areas of uncertainty around safety and outcomes, felt that they could launch their experimental...

The Pandemic of Philosophy

Every global shift in power has its own quasi scientific philosophy. At first sight, the pandemic has brought together unusual bedfellows into a nascent global...

To Exit the Pandemic, the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Need To Take Common Cause

Unless rampant genetic experimentation is regulated, the whole population of the world will continue on a risky journey towards an unknown destination somewhere in...

Seven Characteristics of DNA You May Not Know About

1. DNA is a ‘part and whole’ system. The DNA is in every cell, but also coordinates the physiology as a ‘whole system’ mirroring our...

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