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Natural Health

Covid Is in the Main a Disease of the Unhealthy

The push to blame the healthy: Statistically, Covid is in the main a disease of the unhealthy, 85% of seriously affected people have comorbidities....

Avoiding Forced Vaccination and Losing Your Job

Avoiding forced vaccination and losing your job—Please share: If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a way to...

Our World Consciousness is Primary Matter Secondary

Today I watched a video someone sent me about the world being out of balance. I got that a couple of companies owned everything. I...

The Erosion of Health and The Growth of Risk

The Erosion of Health and The Growth of Risk—I am a food safety advocate. In 2014, there was a global effort to take over...

Covid Increasingly Appears to be a Long-term Project

Given the evolving nature of coronaviruses, and the historical experience, the only cost effective and sustainable solution to meet this challenge is adoption of...

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