What you can do right now: How to complain to the Advertising Standards Authority.
The government covid 19 vaccine advertising campaign contains numerous references to the complete safety of the inoculation.
For example:
There are other examples you may know.
Recently the phrase ‘safe as’ has been used. Young people and adults have been featured saying they have had the vaccine and it is completely safe.
The Pfizer vaccine safety information sheet lists 21 adverse events.
Three of these are serious:
- allergic reactions
- myocarditis
- and pericarditis
The last two particularly affect young people.
Vaccination of Children at School Without the Parents Permission
Our children have been deliberately exposed to advertising information claiming complete safety—a misleading message. Our government has allowed the vaccination of children as young as 12 at school without the permission of their parents.
These children have not been informed there are risks, therefore they are not capable of giving their informed consent. Soon the government is planning the vaccination of 5-12-year-olds.
You can complain about inaccurate government advertising online at: https://www.asa.co.nz
When complaining you should quote the Medsafe datasheet: https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/profs/Datasheet/c/comirnatyinj.pdf
This sheet shows that the government is aware of adverse effects. According to Medsafe there have been at least 144 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis reported up to 9th October:
Medsafe also says that they believe only about 5% of adverse effects are reported:
Myocarditis Is the 3rd Leading Cause of Sudden Death in Children and Young Adults
Myocarditis is a serious illness The Myocarditis Foundation reports:
“In simple terms, myocarditis is a disease that causes inflammation of the heart muscle. This inflammation enlarges and weakens the heart, creates scar tissue, and forces it to work harder to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body.
“While we often associate cardiovascular conditions with elderly populations, myocarditis can affect anyone, including young adults, children and infants. In fact, it most often affects otherwise healthy, young, athletic types with the high-risk population being those of ages from puberty through their early 30’s, affecting males twice as often as females. Myocarditis is the 3rd leading cause of Sudden Death in children and young adults.”
The Risk Following Vaccination Is Much Higher Than Initially Believed
There is a great deal of preliminary research on the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis subsequent to both vaccination and covid itself.
You can quote a recent NY Times article which summarises the risk following vaccination is much higher than initially believed: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/09/health/researchers-find-a-higher-than-expected-risk-of-myocarditis-in-young-men-after-full-vaccination.html
The point to make in your complaint is that it is false advertising to claim there is no risk when the government is well aware of risks, and particularly misleading for young children who have been encouraged to make up their own minds by advertising that claims there is no risk.
It is a very poor precedent and educational strategy to misinform children and thereby manipulate their understanding without disclosure of facts.
Moreover, it has divided families and led to disagreements with children.
It has also meant that some people having adverse reactions are unaware that they are serious and should seek treatment immediately
I hope this helps the many worried mothers who have voiced their concerns.
If many people complain to ASA as above or in your own words, we may be taken seriously, and the one-sided and inaccurate content of the government advertising message may be scrutinised.