
The Gene Technology Bill


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Vaccine Adverse Effects

Yale University Team Announce the Verification of a Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome

A team at leading US Ivy League university Yale has blown the lid off some COVID-19 vaccine safety myths. Their study of 42 affected individuals and 22...

Fed Up With Hearing About COVID-19? Think Again, There is More to Come

New information reveals the truth is a lot darker, but there are also paths to healing. Have you noticed a proliferation of websites promoting 'cures' for long COVID-19 and vax...

A Door is Starting to Open to Discuss Our Devastating Public Health Data

We receive snippets of information from time to time and it now appears there are cracks developing in the solid wall of New Zealand COVID-19 vaccine defences....

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The Need for a Comprehensive Health Service Audit

Two papers published this week present starkly contrasting views of the scientific process. Dr. John Gibson economist at the University of Waikato, published “Cumulative...

The Black Market in Salt and What It Means for All of Us

I had a shock this weekend, which has turned into a wake-up call. For years I had been sprinkling Black Salt (Kala Namak) on...

Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, New Zealand Minister of Health

How Dialogue and Data Can Solve the New Zealand Health Crisis Open Letter To: The Hon. Dr. Shane Reti, New Zealand Minister of Health <>Cc: The Rt....

The Network of Denial and the Trail of Deceit in New Zealand

As you know we live in extraordinary times, of note not just because of our technological achievements, but also because of the pervading mood...

Have We Lost Our Minds?

It used to be the case that kindergarten children played at ‘connecting the dots’ to make drawings, these days this activity is considered to...

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