International study shows no correlation between vaccination rates and covid incidence. (Link to study below)
It echos a simple correlation of vaccination rates with covid deaths by country (190 countries) I undertook a couple of weeks ago.
It looks at a smaller number of countries, but crucially considers USA data by county.
Over the last few weeks hysterical stories about how lack of vaccination is driving the USA covid surge have been circulating in the press embellished by personalised accounts of unvaccinated people pleading for vaccines as they ride in ambulances to hospital.
These have no doubt been helping to fuel a public perception that vaccination as a stand alone policy is enough to control spread.
This study shows, as mine did, that real world data does not support the headline figures of vaccination effectiveness that have been floated on the back of early clinical trials.
There is no observable correlation between vaccination rates and Covid cases.
This is very sobering.
It points to the salient reality that there are other important factors at work.
These factors need to be understood.
As we have discussed, IMO there is a need to appreciate that factors including diet, lifestyle, and the environment are supporting health and should be crucial to government policy.
Link to this study:
Subramanian, S.V., Kumar, A. Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States. Eur J Epidemiol (2021).