Yesterday I posted a piece revealing new revelations about the lab origin of coronavirus. Someone questioned whether this matters.
Yes, it does, whether one has chosen to be vaccinated or not.
The situation is clear, a diverse group of scientists, decision-makers, and commercial interests committed to a biotech future, created a virus and then profited immensely from a vaccine.
Five Million Have Died and Counting
True crime is avidly watched, this is true crime on a scale that matches the worst of history, but it is going on with little comment and no correction.
History matters, our continuity of memory of events and trends is essential to evaluate the present.
A climate of fear has been created that has polarised populations.
Fear has replaced clear thinking, while the reassurance of vaccination has enabled us to sink back into indifference to the bigger issues at stake.
Twenty years ago the world was aflame with opposition to bioengineered foods with good reason.
We have a symbiotic evolutionary relationship with our natural environment, including our foods, which has lasted for millions of years.
The delicate balance of the ecosphere including our physiology relies on the stability of this balance.
It is readily understandable that this needs to be protected.
Fast forward to today, we stand at a crossroads.
Do we go down the new path of biotechnology and nanotechnology whose end is unclear, but already clouded with justifiable fears, or do we stick to life as normal?
The choice is not binary, the answer lies in a third way.
The World, Our World is in Crisis
Those who would manipulate have realised that framing choices as A or B, is a convenient way to divide and conquer.
Politics lulls us into thinking we need to give our unconditional allegiance to one party or the other, despite the little difference between them.
Now the wolf is at the door, it is time to change gear.
The crises of climate change, of chronic ill health, of housing, of species extinction, of famine, of pollution, have multiplied.
It is universally realised that action is needed, but it is equally clear that the governments and commercial interests are biased towards their own limited interests to the exclusion of the greater good, and even to the exclusion of survival.
It may be time for those who can see the looming future to pool their resources, to create alliances for knowledge.
This may involve difficult choices, but now is the time to make those choices and prepare to create a better future.
Do not think the choice is whether to vaccinate or not.
The choice is whether to survive or not.
Do not go gentle into that dark night.
It is a time for common counsel.
What divides us is not important, what seeks to control us, to harm us, and limit us must be addressed.
It is a time for meditation and action.