Both Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Contract Covid and Pass It on

Pro-choice: I see many pro-vaccine posts on FB. I am very glad that everyone has their own choice on this and feels confident to air their views.

I am concerned that the narrative about the dangers posed by the ‘unvaccinated’ has become toxic.

The truth is that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated contract Covid and both pass it on easily.

See from today’s Guardian for example:

Another article reports on the main worries—people dying or becoming seriously ill from covid are predominantly those with reduced immunity, especially the over 65s and those with comorbidities.

They need help to strengthen their health, they don’t need fear-based narratives about unvaccinated bogeymen

The transmissibility data undermines the Government’s passport narrative.

Yes, lockdowns have been effective, but no, the main dangers are not the unvaccinated. There is no reason to punish and shun them.

How Did the Hate Campaign Get Going?

You might like to read this article about Harry and Meghan.

It explains how a very small number of paid people can and do influence social media.

Who benefits financially from vaccine passports?

Vaccine companies who are known to influence social media and the regulatory environment.

We are very trusting in NZ, let’s hope we don’t become unwitting vehicles for hate. Vaccine mandates will destroy the lives of many individuals and families with enquiring and ethical minds.

When it comes to Covid the best sources of information remain the original scientific papers, not media scandal sheets.


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