A snap shot of Covid-19 and economic statistics in New Zealand at the end of 2021. Watch the video or read the text below.

Click on the Video Image above or use this link to watch this video on bichute A Snap Shot of Covid-19 and Economic Statistics in NZ at the End of 2021
The text below is an approximation of this video.
It’s that time end of the year, we want to look at 2021 COVID stats and find out what happened.
We started the year with our prime minister Jacinda Ardern, saying we’re a team of 5 million and that’s the New Zealand population.
Our annual New Zealand government revenue is $116 billion.
In 2020. Grant Robertson, the finance minister set aside $62 billion for a COVID support package.
We ended the year with an increase in New Zealand government debt of $19 billion.
And that’s about the same as our annual health budget of $20 billion, which is 1/3 of the COVID Support Package, which in turn, is more than half of the annual revenue.
There were 12 New Zealand COVID deaths in 2021. Well done.
But there were 10,500 deaths from cancer and 5840 deaths from heart disease.
During the year, there were 8 million doses of the fighter vaccine administered and that cost the government $375 million.
When we started out ordering in October 2020 Pfizer was telling us that the vaccine was 95% effective.
But we found out a study published in the prestigious journal Lancet in October of this year.
They found that after seven months and this was a study of 1.6 million people, half of them vaccinated half unvaccinated in Sweden, that after seven months, the effectiveness of the vaccine was undetectable.
That’s our recovery rate from COVID in New Zealand 99.36%.
And we’d need to remember that there are now 140 scientific studies supporting the strength and longevity of natural immunity acquired after COVID infection.
This year, there were 34,401 adverse events following vaccination reported to Medsafe, and Medsafe itself estimates that just 5% of adverse events are reported.
So there were a lot of adverse events following vaccination.
Our government is hoping that vaccination will provide 70% protection against hospitalisation.
Now, let’s look at some data from the UK.
The population of the United Kingdom vaccinated of the eligible people 82% as of December, and that included 56% of eligible people who had received booster shots.
And that meant that 18% of the UK population were unvaccinated.
And now we’re looking at the figures for weeks 45 to 48 from the United Kingdom Health Security Agency 2021, that’s November and the percentage of COVID deaths. unvaccinated was 17%.
I want you to note the fact that 18% unvaccinated and 17% of the deaths were unvaccinated?
That’s a very similar figure. And in fact, what we’ve been seeing from a number of studies around the world is that there has been a convergence between the outcomes for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.
And that’s been noted in a number of studies, studies that cover the United States, Canada, there have been some data out of Denmark and Israel, and Scotland and of course, the UK.
And that’s very important for the government because it shows that the hoped-for effectiveness of the vaccine in reducing transmission and hospitalisation is not really being actualized.
And that should change government policy because mandates are based on the effectiveness of the vaccine or it’s less effective than was hoped for, then the mandates are really not going to work.
So there are other things that can be done.
A study published in the British Medical Journal found that if you follow a plant-based diet, you have 73% protection against hospitalisation.
And we have to take care of ourselves, we make sure that we don’t become too tired.
A study in the UK found that there was a 1/3 increased risk of hospitalisation if you do shift work, and therefore your biorhythms were out of balance.
There were 100 deaths proximate to vaccination in 2021, reported to Medsafe and there were 670 deaths proximate to vaccination reported to voluntary groups one of doctors and the New Zealand Health Forum.
And now let’s look at the data which is published by the Ministry of Health.

And you see here that the Brown Line is the vaccination and the blue line are the deaths will the 60 Plus cohort by week 4 2021.
And you can see as the vaccination rises, the deaths rise as the vaccination rollout comes to an end for this age cohort, then the deaths for and this actually wasn’t due to a winter p because studies show in 2020 and 2021 there was not a peak and fever, cough and influenza that would cause a peak during winter months.
This was due to lockdown which protected people in general.
We estimate that there have been about 1000 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis of varying seriousness as a result of vaccination in New Zealand this year.
And the myocarditis foundation reports in simple terms, myocarditis is a disease that causes inflammation of the heart muscle.
This inflammation enlargens and weakens the heart, creates scar tissue and forces it to work harder to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body.
So myocarditis is a serious illness, which can cause sudden death, and particularly following vaccination.
Active sporting people under the 40s are especially affected as an age group.
There were 100 plus reported deaths or retirement of professional athletes following cardiac events in 2021.
And that’s been something that’s been noted in the headlines.
The Mail Online on 16th of December says why are so many footballers collapsing, there has been a worrying spike in cardiac arrests and stars retiring with heart-related issues.
But leading sports cardiologist is quoted who insists it is not to do with the COVID vaccine.
He describes it as a statistical fluke. And it is quite a fluke.
Because the same article reports there are three notable events during the last 18 years of a single incidence on the pitch.
150,000, the number of New Zealanders who got vaccinated against their will to avoid losing their job.
2400, the number of unvaccinated healthcare professionals who actually did lose their job and 1400 number of unvaccinated train teachers who lost their job and these are professional people.
It takes a long time to train and become experienced and that’s a great loss to the country.
$12,000 is the fine levied against a gym who refuse to sack their unvaccinated long-term employees and that’s quite unusual in itself.
Normally, governments are keen to make sure that companies are not making their employees unemployed.
1 billion continuing this theme $1 billion were paid in wage subsidies during the COVID pandemic by the New Zealand government.
600 million was given as support to Air New Zealand who were not flying their planes.
100 million was spent by the government on advertising and direct support given to mainstream media who are generally following the government line.
11 million that was the number of visitors arrivals in New Zealand in 2019, and they contributed 38 billion to the New Zealand economy.
This year, there were 200,000 arrivals just 200,000 in 2021.
But during the pandemic, the government has spent $848 million subsidising quarantine for these arrivals.
4.9%, that’s the rise in the Consumer Price Index year to September 21.
And inflation in the September quarter was the highest since June 1987
And $7 billion, that’s our trade deficit, the largest ever and rising rapidly
And house price rise in 2021 22.8%.
Now, these three figures are things that we’ve not seen enough about in the media, we are facing an economic crisis.
And that requires attention.
Especially as that 62 billion set aside over five years is almost empty and Grant Robertson has said he expects there will be more borrowing needed for 2020 too.
And the question we’re asking is, was it spent wisely?
And we’re saying goodbye to 2021
Are we saying goodbye to Jacinda mania as some people term it?
Well, wait a minute.
The Leader of the Opposition newly elected wants to introduce even stronger mandates.
He wishes to remove pensions from the unvaccinated and benefits from mothers with unvaccinated children.
So this is Chris luxon.
Apparently, he thinks he knows better than the people he serves.
He plans to take away from unvaccinated pensioners.
The retirement benefits they have worked for all their life and he thinks that mothers cannot decide what’s best for their own children.
And what are we going to do about this what we need is constitutional change.
The New Zealand bill of rights should be entrenched in the constitution so that newly elected inexperienced MPs serving a three-year term cannot turn our Kiwi way of life upside down and waste our money.
And it’s only then that the courts will be able to protect our rights because currently, the New Zealand Bill of Rights is only advisory.
And this may not have affected you in 2021.
But certainly, our rights are the foundation of, hard-won rights over hundreds of years are the foundation of our democracy and they need to be enshrined in a constitution for New Zealand.
So Happy New Year 2022 lots to be done.
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So thank you very much.