I retired from General Practice & moved to Taupo in April 2019 – a few months before the world went mad.
The very first reports in Dec 2019 & Jan 2020 of a new scourge in China were alarming to everyone.
But within a couple of weeks we were told it did not appear to be affecting kids (unlike flu) & was apparently affecting mostly the frail, the elderly & the frail elderly.
By late Jan I was convinced that the CCP had engineered a virus to solve the problem of its ageing & burdensome elderly population.
But then, around about the time of the first, severe lockdown in New Zealand the NZ government banned antibody testing.
This seemed to me to be insane.
Surely in a pandemic you need to know who is immune to the infection, since those people, especially healthcare workers, can be safely put ‘in harm’s way’ without danger to themselves.
The only explanation for this seemed to me to be the desire to make sure that everyone, without exception, would need to be given the proposed new vaccines that were already being touted.
By mid 2020, on hearing more about these ‘vaccines’ and Operation Warp speed more alarm bells were going off.
How Could This New Technology Possibly be Safe?
Even if it was effective, there was obviously, OBVIOUSLY no way these things could possibly be tested in such a short timeframe, let alone tested adequately.Â
By Feb 2021 the roll-out in the US (& Israel) was clearly setting off more alarm bells, and this must have been known to the New Zealand Ministry of Health, Medsafe and the government.
But the narrative of ‘safe & effective’ had been incubated & born and then adopted, it seems, by everyone. Including the media.
An old friend and colleague forwarded me the MCNZ letter to the profession in early April 2021 & it was obvious that no dissent from the official narrative was going to be tolerated.
And so it was that the dissenters (NZDSOS) came to be.
Anyone trained in medicine must have realised that such a product (‘vaccine’) could not possibly have been tested properly, and to blindly accept official assurances to the contrary is nothing but a pathetic excuse.
I don’t think there are any extenuating circumstances for the medical profession.
All they had to do was THINK and read a modicum (or rather a minimum) of material to understand the true picture.
Instead they listened blindly to the Medical Council & the academic Colleges (partly out of fear & self preservation), but the end result has been carnage in New Zealand on a scale only ever matched by the two World Wars.
And we have no idea (in the long term) whether that carnage will surpass those historical nightmares in New Zealand’s history.
So please don’t be ‘kind’ to the doctors (or any ONE of those 120 wastes of space in parliament).
They don’t deserve it for a moment.
What real kindness that remains in New Zealand should be bestowed on the poor victims of this terrible outrage.
Kind regards,
Dr Steve Taylor