

New Data Sheds Light on a Cancer Epidemic That is Being Covered Up

In the 1980s, I bought a Casio handheld programmable calculator and amused myself writing routines that solved algebraic equations, but I soon realised that...

The Big Debate: How Many New Doctors Will NZ Need if the Gene Technology Bill is Passed?

Currently, there are 19,350 doctors in New Zealand; that's one for every 264 people. According to Hon. Judith Collins, our Minister for Business Innovation...

Meta Are Still Fact Checking in New Zealand and the Gene Technology Bill is on Their Radar

Judith Collins is promising us an economic miracle if only she can deregulate biotechnology. According to Collins, gene technology research using CRISPR will be...

The Gene Technology Bill Contains a Covert Assault on Our Kiwi Culture

Anyone living in New Zealand today will be aware of how much we, as individuals and as a people, value our identity and cultural...

Waking Up From the Dream of Biotechnology

Deep in a dream, our quiet consciousness suddenly realises that it is no longer a dream but has become a nightmare. The inner voice...

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