

The Hollow Heart of Personalised Genetic Medicine

A recent article entitled “Using ChatGPT to predict the future of personalized medicine" in the prestigious journal Nature offers the following outlook: “Personalised medicine is...

Why Do We Ask the Same Questions Again and Again?

Someone wrote to us after our last article, “Startling revelations change everything New Zealanders have been schooled to believe” and complained that my writing...

Synthetic Human Embryos Point to Trouble Ahead, What Can We Do?

The UK Guardian leads with an exclusive story this morning, “Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance.” Scientists at the University of Cambridge and...

Heigh Ho, Luxon, Collins and the National Party Announce a Biotech Dystopia

The National Party, a.k.a. Chris Luxon and Judith Collins, have announced their genetic engineering policy. According to the policy document, the National GE policy will...

The Origin of Life, Consciousness, and Gene Editing

The general public has been educated to regard DNA as the molecule which unravelled the mystery of the origin of life. When you hear...

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