The push to blame the healthy: Statistically, Covid is in the main a disease of the unhealthy, 85% of seriously affected people have comorbidities.
Interestingly there was an article in one of our two national newspapers this morning prominently displayed. “How to avoid the wellness epidemic”.
It appeared to be poking fun at people who wanted to take care of themselves, rather than just taking a jab and returning to their unhealthy habits.
Curiously this was categorised in the ‘wellness’ section of the paper.
For those of us who have campaigned for natural health for years, it is clear that whatever victories we won over the years, we are now facing an all out assault, carefully curated in the media (both social and mainstream).
Increasingly I can’t stop short of calling this a conspiracy.
On the other hand, who is healthy and who is unhealthy?
It is a fine line.
I visited my doctor a few weeks ago for a skin check.
She tested my blood pressure and it was alarmingly elevated.
So she arranged for some blood tests. I had elevated cholesterol.
So, skipping the medication, I cut out butter and cheese, tucked into grapefruits, and took a herbal product.
I am back to the normal range now, but I never would have rated myself as unhealthy.
So a lot of people do unknowingly carry imbalance, and we do need to keep on top of it.
In many cases this can be done without becoming a burden on the health system. A stitch in time saves nine.
The current attacks on the unvaccinated are just part of a generalised move to get people to rely on pharmaceuticals exclusively.
The media (and governments) have become very vulnerable to paid content and influence.
Accordingly, drug companies have worked out how to extend their reach far into the public psyche.
The sustainable solution to Covid is more natural health, not less.
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You might be interested in my book titled:
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