More revelations this week about behind the scenes manipulation of public opinion.
Melissa Fleming is a journalist who was appointed United Nations Under Secretary General for Global Communications in September 2019 just in time for the pandemic.
In a recent talk, Ms. Fleming spoke about her use of invasive behavioural science techniques at the UN to encourage support for the official WHO pandemic narrative (to view Ms. Fleming talking, pick this video up at 47 minutes).
She reported on her UN program Verity which trained 100 scientists around the world to flood social media platforms with what Ms. Fleming called the UN-owned science and to discourage circulation of material counter to the UN/WHO position.
Ms. Fleming implied that bare facts of published science papers are uninteresting and need to be nuanced in order to give them the required impact.
A New Brand of Science Journalism
Ms. Fleming is no stranger to public relations journalism having previously been for eight years Head of Press & Public Information at the International Atomic Energy Agency.
She represents a new brand of science journalism which seeks to reshape the narrative of modern science to facilitate public consumption and acceptance.
In so doing the obvious linchpins of the scientific method and process have been sidelined. Science is a process of experimentation and progressive testing of theories leading eventually to verification.
There are many stakeholders in this process which often involves competing ideas, interpretations, or paradigms (scientific genres). It also quantifies degrees of certainty and conversely large areas of uncertainty.
Fleming outlined a brand of public relations/journalism which seeks to portray absolute scientific certainty, where actually there is doubt and a high degree of risk.
The purpose is to satisfy the commercial- or power and influence-seeking objectives of their employers. The ultimate aim is to garner public acceptance for products through promotion of an aura of scientific infallibility and inevitability.
Unprecedented Levels of Irreversible Risk
No subject could be more unsuited to this modus operandi than Covid pandemic policy. Biotechnology was well known to involve unprecedented levels of irreversible risk.
The pandemic involves an evolving disease trajectory that was possibly created as part of a bioweapons program and a vaccine that derived from experimental gene therapy with a history of spectacular failures and adverse effects.
Describing the pandemic response as fait accompli science that was somehow owned by the UN and the WHO amounted to a take over of science, medical ethics, and human rights on a breathtaking scale—modern journalism allied with methods of social manipulation and control that were completely discredited by the revelations that followed in the wake of the second world war and the end of the Soviet Union.
To pursue this agenda it was necessary to quash the actual process of scientific evolution by silencing even highly qualified scientists urging caution.
The Narrative Has Completely Lost Touch
Such was the success of the combined forces applying the new PR methods, including pharmaceutical giants, government agencies, social media behemoths, and international forces like the UN, that their agenda has snowballed out of control and the narrative has completely lost touch with the evolving process of real pandemic science assessment and evaluation.
Most of the world’s population have come to believe in the safety, effectiveness, and profundity of the new biotechnology vaccination processes because of the apparent massive endorsement of the science, but it was not actually science, it was journalism allied with behavioural manipulation at work.
I am beginning to feel very sympathetic towards the vaccinated. They have been the unwitting victims of the psychic numbing promoted by the UN, WHO and the global pharmaceutical PR machine.
Actual science is trying to catch up with the hyperbole, deception, and control managed by media and government overreach, but we have almost arrived at a situation where catch up is out of hand.
Covid 19 Vaccines Don’t Work And Their Long Term Effects Are Unhealthy
The truth about this disturbing Orwellian agenda has come at a time when the weight of science has found that not only do Covid 19 vaccines not actually work but their long term effects are unhealthy.
More to the point, an increasing number of scientists are admitting, albeit in some cases reluctantly, that the true extent of adverse effects is not only misunderstood, but may be far more serious than any previous worst case suspicions.
As we reported last week, (Shining a Light in Dark Places—Ten Ways the Government Controls the Pandemic Narrative) immune imprinting resulting from Covid vaccination limits the capacity of physiology to respond to the new BA4/5 variants.
It shouldn’t have been unexpected, studies completed way before the pandemic indicate that viruses evolve to bypass vaccines, especially if the vaccine is not that effective at stopping transmission.
The truth is that a lot of established science was simply forgotten during the process of formulating pandemic policy. The involvement of unscrupulous commercial interests and power seeking political bodies was in no small measure to blame.
Unfortunately, the push for the pharmaceutical/biotechnology vision of universal mRNA vaccination continues regardless. All the while the real basis of health is ignored.
It has become a runaway train sustained by journalistic imagination and the wilful doubling down of medical hacks and governments devoid of the safeguards of traditional science.
The Unvaccinated are Increasingly Enjoying Enhanced Herd Immunity
In contrast, data shows that the unvaccinated are increasingly enjoying enhanced herd immunity following Covid infection with the mild Omicron variants.
As rates of cardiac events and all-cause mortality rise in highly vaccinated populations, it is increasingly obvious that the vaccinated will need a lot of help to get their health back on track.
Early on in the pandemic, a few studies indicated that taking care of your own health naturally is highly effective at preventing serious Covid outcomes. The implications of these studies urgently need to inform government policy
A lighter diet, a regular exercise regime, adequate rest, and some traditional anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs and spices all help. The help they provide is not marginal, it is stunning.
I have reported on these effects in earlier articles. For example, a study found that there was a 71% reduction in Covid hospitalisation rates among vegetarians.
If you have been bewitched by sophisticated techniques of behavioural manipulation into thinking that a pill or a jab on its own will guarantee health, you have been misled.
Those with unresolved health issues have been most at risk from Covid. Many prevalent chronic conditions are caused or complicated by diet and lifestyle choices which can be reversed naturally and safely with the right advice.
99% of our health results from our own management of lifestyle, diet, and behaviour, but always remember, if you are feeling unwell, to also take professional advice in good time. A stitch in time saves nine.
Each successive generation innovates, but at the same time some vital areas of knowledge are lost due to the passage of time and the gap between generations.
In this case, discredited techniques of social control have been rediscovered and misused in a modern context. The profit motive has been allowed to overturn standards of medical ethics and risk assessment. Biotechnology innovation has come to threaten the basis of life itself.