
Published Papers Contradict Government Covid Policy

Press Release: Published papers contradict Government Covid policy and indicate safety issues

From: Guy Hatchard Ph.D.,

I am a former employee of Genetic ID, a global food testing company. I have expertise in the statistics of safety, I am also a natural food advocate.

You can review my previous influential correspondence and submissions in the Parliamentary Library. I have lobbied previous Director Generals of Health and have been given an audience and a hearing.

Dear Media Representative

The Covid 19 vaccine has been given emergency approval. Vaccines are normally tested for 8-12 years before receiving approval.

During this time they are subjected to stringent tests.

Mandatory reports of adverse reactions are monitored over these years and the resulting statistics are compared with population norms to ascertain if there are any long-term adverse effects.

The data and analysis is subject to rigorous peer review. In some cases, adverse effects have been noted years after first vaccination.

Mandatory Reporting of Adverse Effects

1. In order to guard against underreporting and misreporting of adverse effects, the government needs to immediately institute mandatory reporting of all adverse effects and any illness after vaccination for a minimum of two months (at present reporting of adverse effects is only voluntary and if undertaken generally occurs immediately after vaccination).

It is to be noted that reports have been circulating widely on social media of individuals who have suffered heart attacks, strokes, and other debilitating effects soon after vaccination, but have been told by their GPs that they must be unrelated.

This is not the procedure followed when testing novel vaccines.

To achieve the required safety assessment the Department of Health needs to issue new guidelines to GPs and hospital staff about its CARM system, whose current policies are only geared to fully tested vaccines.

It is further noted that the Prime Minister’s FB page attracted over 33,000 comments about adverse effects which went uninvestigated and unreplied.

It is also noted that a whistleblower in the USA, who is a former employee of their VAERS system has noted deliberate under reporting of adverse effects.

2. As a second check for robust statistical certainty, vaccination date and status should be, until further notice, recorded on death certificates and reports of major medical events and centrally collected.

Without this, it will not be possible to detect any early unexpected adverse effects of vaccination in the general population.

These two requirements alone will be sufficient to fill the information and safety vacuum created by the emergency approval.

Without these, there is no certainty of safety.

How has this situation arisen and why must it be urgently addressed?

The word ‘vaccine’ has powerful and reassuring emotive implications. The public has specific expectations about vaccine safety and efficacy.

We have all benefited from reductions in serious diseases such as polio and smallpox.

Yet the Covid vaccines are not traditional vaccines, they are using novel gene technology.

This technology derives from medical research into experimental gene technology being used to investigate the possibility of helping individuals suffering genetic defects, as is the case in cystic fibrosis for example.

These technologies are known to have caused severe side effects.

They have not yet been developed to a sufficient level of safety to be approved.

Therefore every effort must be made to ensure at least standard safety protocols, such as those above, be implemented for Covid vaccines.

Why does the government need to take advice more widely from science experts other than those in the immediate circle of government?

There are commercial and scientific interests which are heavily invested in the success of the novel technology being used in Covid vaccines.

Their bias has influenced approval of Covid vaccines and treatments. Has this happened here?

Medsafe is a member of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities.

ICMRA does not have the sanction of any governments, it is a bureaucratic alliance of medical regulators who enjoy close relationships with the global pharmaceutical industry.

It operates a shared database among all its members which it uses to harmonise and control medical choices amongst countries ensuring that all governments will receive the same advice from their regulatory bodies.

It aims to control use of all human medicine including the new genetic biologic medicines and vaccines.

The ICMRA website states its strategic aims:

Regulatory convergence, alignment, and standards development of all human medicine, which will lead to harmonisation of global regulations.

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ICMRA is acting as a forum to support strategic coordination and international cooperation among global medicine regulatory authorities.

The aim of these activities is to expedite and streamline the development, authorisation and availability of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines worldwide.

Thus through a single body, powerful commercial interests can work behind the scenes to influence the global approach to medical regulation in every country.

They are in a position to monitor the information available to government personnel and limit the public message.

New Zealand has always prided itself on a measure of independence from global influence.

We have been a country able to make up its own mind and chart a course that supports our unique character and geographic location.

How Has this Affected New Zealand?

The current primary government messages and impressions conveyed by media coverage are very clear:

1. Selfish, misguided, unvaccinated people are encouraging transmission of Covid and endangering the public-spirited vaccinated citizens.

2. Vaccination is a largely standalone system which, if implemented for at least 90% of the eligible population, will ensure that life returns to ‘normal’.

3. It is safe for all children as young as five to be vaccinated in order to reduce transmission.

4. Unvaccinated individuals are encouraging mutations leading to new Covid variants.

None of these messages are unequivocably supported by published research. 1 to 4 are all controversial.

1A. Research shows that transmissible viral load is similar between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

1B. Moreover research on real world data shows that vaccination rates do not correlate with infection rates.

2. It is very evident from overseas countries with high vaccination rates such as those in the EU and UK that current fourth waves of Covid are substantial.

3. Research shows that risks of myocarditis (heart inflammation) among the under twenties are high and pose a health risk which may have long-term consequences.

4. A number of papers point to the role of ‘vaccines that allow transmission’ in the development of mutations, including:

The present policies of government are creating division in our society that prides itself on fairness and equality.

There is now a two-tier system in which many individuals are being marginalised and hugely financially disadvantaged.

This is being done without any scientific certainty of safety or information.

The deficiencies in safety information are creating an impression that it is OK to blame safety-concerned unvaccinated individuals for risks that are not of their making.

The unvaccinated are not primary vectors of transmission.

This thoughtful essay discusses the origins and divisive effect that current policies are creating:

I hope you can take the time to absorb the implications of this letter personally.

My earlier open letter to The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, MPs and members of the media on this topic elicited no response.

No one can make safety concerns go away by ignoring them and then victimising those asking questions.

Yours sincerely

Guy Hatchard PhD


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