
The Erosion of Health and The Growth of Risk

The Erosion of Health and The Growth of Risk—I am a food safety advocate.

In 2014, there was a global effort to take over the natural products and medicines sector and substitute pharmaceutical alternatives.

I wrote a book about it and lobbied governments.

The biotech proposals were rejected in several countries and most truly natural products are still available due to the porous nature of the global economy, but it may have escaped your notice that the biotech sector has managed to invade the sector through stealth.

The labels on our food now often mention so-called natural flavours, identifying them with phrases such as ‘natural vanilla flavour’

There is nothing natural about this, it is a ‘copy’ made in industrial quantities that has distinct and important differences from flavours derived from actual vanilla beans.

The point here is that commercial interests use misinformation in subtle ways.

One very important technique is to masquerade as a champion of health, when actually the opposite is the case.

This enables the wrong players to gain the upper hand in the market place.

The substance of my book was a growing body of research which shows that the current medical paradigm of digestion is incomplete.

Recent research shows that our body relies on foods based on DNA to maintain its health.

We are part of an extended biofield and enjoy a symbiotic relationship with natural foods that are necessary to maintain stable health.

Over millions of years of evolution we have built up a co-evolutionary relationship with the wider environment of DNA—our health depends on maintaining this.

The introduction of a vast array of additives, ultra-processed foods, environmental pollutants, chemicals, pharmaceutical medicines, etc., that are completely new to our physiology, has been responsible for the rapid growth of exotic illnesses, cancers, and chronic conditions.

These threats to genetic stability have emerged in some cases slowly and by stealth as they wear down the body’s defences.

It is in this context that the introduction of novel vaccines and medicines to combat Covid poses unknowable challenges to health.

Time alone will tell.

In the meantime, the introduction of universal vaccine mandates is only magnifying the potential extent of the risks.

Moreover, the same people who likely created the virus in a lab, are now leading the charge to introduce more novel constructs into our physiology—wolves in sheep’s clothing.


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