The Long Read—Where to From Here?

Refocusing National Energies to Prevent Recurrence and Assist Those Affected.

As an end to mandates makes its slow way out of the starting gate, it is time to take stock and begin to remediate the severe damage that has been done to our nation and our world, its scientific, medical, social, and economic institutions and to individual citizens.

The Hatchard Report wants to reiterate that both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated have been disadvantaged by disinformation, discrimination, and medical misadventure.

In fact, governments distracted their populations from needed debate by dividing us into vaxxed and unvaxxed—characterised as the ‘saved’ and the ‘dangerous’

They created this strong distinction without any adequate scientific basis.

Their fear narrative overhyped the dangers of Covid infection—the mean age of deaths was in fact similar to average life expectancy.

The mRNA vaccines did not stop transmission, rapidly waned in effectiveness, and caused unprecedented rates of adverse effects. 

To move forward from this, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated will need to take common cause.

scientific debate involving rational discussion has been from the outset suppressed and outlawed


The Need for Rational Science

We need to recognise that a scientific debate involving rational discussion has been from the outset suppressed and outlawed.

Journal publishing on Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccination now runs into tens of thousands of articles. The data reported and their conclusions need to begin to inform changed government policy.

We are now fully aware that in the Omicron environment, mRNA vaccination has virtually no impact on transmission, infection, and hospitalisation rates.

It is also clear that excess all-cause deaths have risen in association with vaccination rates in a number of countries including ours. Unusually this has affected working-age individuals at an unprecedented rate.

We have discussed that a paper published in May 2021 indicated that mRNA vaccination causes a drop in T cell production. T cells are our first line of immune defence. 

It is also clear that contrary to initial expectations, the genetic sequences in mRNA vaccines are relatively mobile and can affect diverse organ systems in the physiology, interfering with their functions.

The Hatchard Report and others have covered and referenced many of these findings in depth during the last few months.

The main point we want to emphasise here is that although Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccine have unique specific effects which distinguish them from each other, they also have a great many toxic effects in common.

For example, high rates of cardiac events. There are long-term impacts of both on health, but their true extent remains largely uninvestigated, and in fact, will only be known as time passes.

Reorienting Our Health Service Response

Here in New Zealand and in other countries, health services need to capture an accurate picture of the health impacts and provide appropriate treatment and compensation for those affected.

In mainstream media, it continues to be unacceptable to associate high rates of cardiac events and strokes with vaccination.

Unprecedented rates of health events among athletes, public figures, and the general population are being variously dismissed as due to stress and described as a ‘Warne anxiety effect’ or a ‘holiday heart syndrome’ etc.

This is patently absurd. The refusal of health authorities in many countries, including our own, to countenance what is becoming obvious and the subject of speculation needs to be rectified.

Accurate surveys of adverse events following vaccination and Covid-19 infection need to be instituted.

Up until now, in most countries, adverse effects reports have been collected through passive voluntary systems leading to massive underreporting. A recent survey of 4,000 representative subjects in Israel reported a disturbing picture—50% of mRNA vaccine recipients who responded experienced adverse effects. 

The incidence rate, severity, and duration of long Covid following Omicron is also unknown.

Any studies need to take account of the fact that people will experience adverse outcomes as a result of both vaccination and Covid infection, their relative importance should be assessed through proper selection of experimental groups: unvaxxed with covid, unvaxxed without covid, vaxxed (1,2, and 3 doses) with covid, and vaxxed without covid.

Otherwise, the complicating effects of mRNA vaccination on Covid outcomes will be underestimated.

  • National rates of heart disease and stroke among all age groups, known common outcomes of both vaccination and Covid-19, need to be monitored in real time, rather than reporting at a three year lag as is happening at present.
  • Cancer rates need to be monitored. Mutagenic cancer-causing events could become more common when T cell function is suppressed, as it is immediately after mRNA vaccination.

Action Step—Assisting Those Affected

Most importantly, we need to make renewed efforts to identify and assist those affected. 

Due to lack of information, misinformation, or in some cases indifference, GPs and hospital doctors have dismissed many serious medical events as unrelated to vaccination.

Thus people suffering strokes, cardiac events, occurence or resurgence of cancers, and a wide range of other conditions have been left in the dark concerning possible causes.

As such, they have been unaware of the possibility of making insurance and ACC claims. Nor in many cases, have families been able to make rational sense of sudden debilitating health impacts. 

Qualified personnel volunteering at NZDSOS, VFF, and the Health Forum NZ have for more than a year been dialoguing with those affected who have been alert to a possible connection.

No cooperative investigation has been undertaken by Medsafe and the Ministry of Health who have thereby ensured that they remain in blissful ignorance of the true extent of adverse effects.

This is a scandal that needs to be rectified immediately. 

The content and character of government Covid messaging needs to change radically. It should encourage people to come forward, whose health has been affected since the mRNA vaccination rollout began.

A demonstrably independent team should be set up, dedicated to creating a reliable statistical picture and treatment system. This should cover both the vaccine injured and long Covid sufferers.


The Likely Origin of Covid Needs to Influence Our Approach

There is another vital and cogent reason why the vaxxed and unvaxxed have a common cause.

It is likely that both Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines have similar origins and certain that they have similar effects.

Although we may never know the exact sequence of events that led to the pandemic, there are many reasons to suppose that Covid-19 originated in a laboratory:

  • Twelve genetic sequences in the spike protein were known to laboratories before the pandemic. The odds against their appearance together in a specific functioning order have been estimated by some to be more than a trillion to one. One of these sequences reportedly originated in the HIV pathogen, another was the subject of a Moderna patent—sources too diverse to suddenly merge together in a natural setting.
  • Chinese virologist Shi Zengli working at the Wuhan Virology Lab, is now known to have been conducting gain of function research funded by the US government. Before the pandemic, she created novel pathogens capable of infecting humans that involved the insertion of unusual sequences similar to those found in the Covid-19 spike protein. Her successful endeavours are the subject of papers she published prior to 2020.
  • The high mutation rate and apparent instability of the Covid-19 pathogen that has led to the formation of over 30,000 variants and to radical changes in its symptoms as it mutated, indicates that Covid-19 was probably not a naturally occurring relatively stable variant in an animal population. Moreover the unique spike protein configuration has not been found in animal viruses despite a vigorous search.
  • The determination of the Chinese government right from the start to completely eradicate Covid-19, indicates that they possibly knew something about its origins and the dangers it posed. It is possible that they had foreknowledge of the exact nature, purpose, and dangers of the gain of function experiments being conducted at Wuhan.

We now know that the highly unusual Covid spike protein has a strongly toxic effect on the human physiology both from Covid infection and following mRNA vaccination. 

The mRNA vaccine teaches human cells to produce the novel spike protein in order to stimulate an immune response.

Following mRNA vaccination, our body creates spike protein sequences in high concentrations, millions if not billions of times higher than the exposure you might receive from an air borne Covid infection caused by someone coughing or sneezing.

In some cases, the physiology produces or harbours spike protein for months after both vaccination and Covid infection where it is able to continue to adversely affect health.

Action Step—Biotechnology Experimentation Should be Paused

Biotech experimentation is very risky. It has likely created a lethal disease and certainly a lethal vaccine, both of which have had global impacts on health running to millions of casualties.

We must insist on a rational debate about these topics and action to curb laboratory work, otherwise, exotic biotechnology experimentation will continue and proliferate. 

Already pharmaceutical PR is calling for more investment in biotechnology to ‘avert’ future threats. A claim that should be dismissed as absurd. The idea that biotechnology is curing disease is the stuff of myths.

In actuality, as we have just experienced, it is introducing lethal and random risks affecting genetic stability and immune function. This should have been well known through the results of earlier studies on gene therapy outcomes.

Due to government indifference to enforcing ethical safeguards of experimentation, their lack of attention to science publishing, and their reliance on the deceptively comforting use of the word ‘vaccine’ to describe a novel and ineffective biotechnology intervention, we are facing an ongoing global public health crisis of unprecedented proportions.

The implication is that biotechnology experimentation should be paused around the world, otherwise inevitable laboratory accidents will occur again, possibly with even more devastating consequences.

Guy Hatchard has written a book Discovering and Defending Your DNA Diet.


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